High Quality Childcare and Education

Our Ethos and Values

A child’s early years are the most important years of their lives. Therefore, we strive to provide high quality childcare and education for all children that is appropriate to their individual needs and interests. This is provided for in a positive, respectful environment, by supportive adults sensitive to the individual needs of the child and their family.

Working in partnership with parents/carers is vital for effective holistic learning and development for the child. This is achieved by building relationships with the child and family through the Key Person Approach. The Key person will support each child’s learning and development by helping to ‘stretch’ the child but not push them beyond their capabilities.

We engage the children by adapting the environment to their current interests and this can change a lot! We love natural, open-ended resources! The children can use them in any which way they want to, they become more curious, more intrigued and they become critical thinkers. We let children find out things by themselves, but as the adults we support and extend on what they discover. What? I wonder, will they learn today?

Large Roof Top Garden

A unique, safe and secure rooftop garden with views across Chatham Maritime Marina. Bespoke wooden garden furniture and apparatus that conforms to RoSPA standards and a large selection of resources tailored to meet the needs of children for each age and stage encompassing the seven areas of learning in the EYFS 2017.

Key Person Approach

Children thrive from a base of loving and secure relationships. A key person is a named member of staff at Dockside Day Nursery with responsibilities for a small group of children who helps those children in the group feel safe, supported and cared for. The role is essential to the well-being and development of young children in early years settings. Your child's key person responds sensitively to your child's feelings and behaviours and meets emotional needs by giving reassurance, comfort and support.

Your child's key person will support physical needs such as nappy changing and toileting, feeding and sleep routines when they are younger and is the familiar person who is a point of contact for parents and carers to build a relationship and feedback about each child's day, working together to promote learning and development. 


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